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Frequently Asked Questions

About Marigold Days

What Covid precautions are you taking to ensure the our safety?

The Marigold Days Committee is monitoring state and local reports and guidelines in regard to Covid.   Social distancing should practiced.  Hand washing stations will be available adjacent to restroom facilities and the food wagons.  


When is Marigold Days?
Marigold Days is ALWAYS held the weekend after Labor Day.  In 2024, those dates are September 7 & 8.  Check the website for set-up times and for special events like the Field of Flags Dedication.  Our Facebook page has up-to-the-minute announcements and information.

How can I become a Flea Market Vendor at Marigold Days?
There is a link to this information and the registration forms here and on

Registration Forms page of the website. Cost of each space, space size and available amenities is listed in the info pages. Just click, download and send them to the address on the form.  Cost of each space is $75.00.  Spaces are approximately 15 feet deep and 20 feet long.  Vendor spaces are priced for the entire weekend.  If you are only planning to stay for one day, the fees are not pro-rated or reduced. 


How can I become a Food Vendor at Marigold Days?
Currently all the spaces for this year’s Marigold Days are taken.  If you want to be placed on our waiting list, email your info to  Cost of the food vendor space is $350.00.


Is there still a Crafters’ Tent?
No.  Some crafters rent their space in the large park pavilion at Riverside Park.  This pavilion is full.  Cost for these spaces is the same as the rest of the Flea Market.  
How many vendors participate each year?
In 2019, we rented just over 230 spaces to 200 vendors.  After the Covid shut down of 2020, our numbers have been less, but in 2022 we rented the  flea market spaces to about 175 vendors.
How many people attend Marigold Days?
It is estimated that between 10,000 and 15,000 visitors attend Marigold Days each year.
Where can I park?
Parking is allowed on most city streets (unless posted otherwise by homeowners).  Some streets directly adjacent to the festival are posted as Foot Traffic Only to ensure pedestrian safety.  Additional No Parking
Parade Route  signs are posted from Saturday night to Sunday late afternoon. 


Handicapped/Accessible parking is available at MBT Bank on Main Street.




Is there a charge for attending Marigold as a visitor?
No.  However, some activities organized in conjunction with Marigold Days like the Firemen’s Breakfast and the Saloon’s street dance do require tickets or a free will offering.  The 5K Stagecoach Run/Walk and the Softball Tournament also charge an entrance fee.  Forms for these activities are located on the Contact Us page for this website.

Who should I contact about specific events?
Please refer to the Contact Us page.  You may also contact us by email at  Emails are acknowledged as quickly as possible with an answer to your question or a referral to the committee member who can help you. 


Is the festival dog friendly?
Dogs are always welcome in Mantorville whether for Marigold Days or at any other time.  City ordinances require that your pooch be leased at all times.  Marigold Days is a rambunctious festival with all types of live music.  It gets loud. And about 15,000 visitors gather here for the weekend.  At this time, there are no dog watering stations in town and because the park is full of flea market buyers and sellers, very little shade. Bringing your puppy is up to you, just keep these things in mind.


Why can’t I pay registration fees by Credit card or PayPal online?
With the number of different registration fees that could be paid in this way and the manner in which payments arrive in our single checking account, our volunteer bookkeeper would be hard pressed to keep those fees in the correct activity’s budget.  So, until we can resolve this issue, we will have to rely on checks or cash sent to individual activity chairpersons.


Please contact us with any other questions you may have about Marigold Days either as a participant or a visitor.

Updated 10/3/2024

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